Homeopathy heals

Homeopathy heals all kinds of chronic and acute conditions and my focus is on migraines and complaints during the menopause. But in my practice I also see people who suffer for instance from insomnia, anxiety, arthritis, Lyme disease.

In Lunteren I co-operate with the local midwifery professionals and see woman with common complaints of pregnancy such as morning sickness, round ligament pain, urinary tract complaints as well as anxiety around childbirth.

Homeopathy for your child…

Parents consult me for abdominal cramps, anxiety, eczema, constipation , recurrent infections and other issues their child suffers from. They would like to help their child live free from long-term medication with potentially unwelcome side-effects.

… and for your animal

Did you know that homeopathy also works for your animal? In my practice I see itchy dogs, cats with bladder stones, horses with colic, behaviour problems like fear or aggresion and lots of other health- or behavioural issues.

A homeopathic consultation

During the first consultation I want to know all about your complaints, your health, lifestyle etc. This first appointment takes about 1 to 1,5 hours. After about four weeks we evaluate what the remedy did for you during the follow up. Depending on your complaint one or more follow ups can be necessary. In general I see people about three to four times.

To book an appointment, you don’t need a reference from your GP. Homeopathic remedies can generally be taken together with medicines from your doctor. Do consult your doctor if you want to stop or change his prescription.